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Families in the Animal Kingdom
Biology, Info, Summer, and Animal Books
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Reptiles, Animal Classifications
Author: Angela Royston
Series: Families in the Animal Kingdom:
Birds, Fish, Mammals, Invertebrates
Original language: English
Published: Januari 2015
Publisher: Heinemann Lib.
ISBN13: 978-1484607619
Price: € 8.00 (paperback)
Age: 6 - 9 years

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Reptiles, Animal Classifications is an information book for children, by British author Angela Royston. She has written numerous information books, but this series about animals is the favorite series of the mini-monsters, especially the part about reptiles! The books are written very interestingly, the author emphasizes exactly those facts that the children would like to know.

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The beautiful photos in the book contribute a lot to the information that the writer provides, the kids think they are awesome. The baby snake coming out of the egg is so endearing, along with the information about the special tooth that baby uses to gnaw out of the egg, wonderful! An asset to the bookcase and also very educational!

3 radiant stars for Reptiles, Animal Classifications!