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Ricotta Pudding Cake

an Italian recipe by Valeria Necchio
Waldorf recipes, Spring, With egg, Italian, With Cheese, and Cakes
Ricotta cake sidepic

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5 free range organic eggs
120g of icing sugar, sifted
100g of ground almonds, plus extra to dust the tin
300g of ricotta, (fresh if you can get it) drained
30ml of orange blossom water
unsalted butter, to grease the tin
edible flowers, to decorate

Ricotta cake sidepicll

Today a delicious fluffy Italian ricotta pudding cake, recipe from Valeria Necchio. The cake is easy to make if you pay attention to it. No recipe to make for fun with the kids, for a change but they also gladly help out with eating it. Do move it carefully from the spring form to a platter! Very tasty and so beautiful with the edible flowers!

How to make a Ricotta Pudding Cake

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Place the eggs in the mixing bowl.

Add the powdered sugar.

Beat until it's airy and pale yellow.

Push the ricotta through a sieve.

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Sieve the almond flour in.

Add ricotta and orange blossom to the mixture.

Fold gently together into a smooth batter.

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Pour the batter into the prepared spring form.

Bake the cake in ± 1.30 hour golden and cooked.

Let the ricotta cake cool in the spring form.

Remove the cake carefully from the tin.

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Place the ricotta pudding cake gently on a platter.

Decorate with the edible flowers and serve immediately.
