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Cave baby

by Julia Robertson en Emily Gravett
Picture Book and Funny
Rockie sidepic

Cave Baby
Author: Julia Donaldson
Illustrator: Emily Gravett
Original language: English
Published:  January 2011
ISBN13: 9780330522762
Price: € 9.50 (paperback)
Age: 3 - 6 year

Picture book Cave Baby was a present for Puk by a friend of ours. The book is written by famous British author Julia Donaldson and we all know her books of course, if only from the Gruffalo.

On Emily Gravett's cheerful coloured pictures is a lot to see. The colourful pictures alternate with darker ones, those bring excitement in the story for our toddlers. They like the book a lot.

Rockie 01
Rockie 02
Rockie 03

Rockie is this funny prehistoric toddler who loves to paint. That's what snazzie's youngest reader - who also loves painting - finds very funny. We do hope that - after 'reading' the book - he does not feel inspired to start drawing on our walls, instead of on paper. ;)

3 pretty coloured stars for Cave Baby, from our youngest mini-monsters!!