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What We'll Build

Plans for our together future
Picture Book and Philosophy
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What we'll build
Author / Illustrator: Oliver Jeffers
Original language: English
Published: October 2020
Publishers: HarperCollins
ISBN13: 9780008382209
Price: € 12.79 (HC)
Age: 3-7 years

Almost all of Oliver Jeffers' books are to be found in the snazzie bookcase, but we will skip this one - What We'll Build - for now. Is the book not beautifully illustrated? Yes of course, the illustrator is Oliver Jeffers! Isn't the text philosophical and poetic, respectful and optimistic? Of course! Aa few books later you don't suddenly turn into an unphilosophical, unpoetic, disrespectful and pessimistic person. So what's wrong with this book?

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After the great Here We Are we miss a clear storyline in this new book. The short texts do not seem very coherent and now it comes to us the most important shortcoming: the mini monsters don't like it, they don't understand it at all. Our mini-monsters are smart and awake, they know very well what is funny and/or hilarious! The door-ringing penguin, the tree in which everything gets stuck, the smart moose that really was mine, all hilarious and funny. But also Here We Are has been read to the kids countless times.

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We maxi-monsters think this is another wonderful book and the message is clear to us. The book is again philosophical, poetic, sweet, optimistic and with beautiful illustrations. But the book is a childrens book, not for maxi monsters if the mini monsters don't like it. So very unfortunate, but we already have enough books that are not coming out of the book case ;)

Therefore: 2 stars for What We'll Build from the snazzie readers.