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Sammie in the winter

for the littlest ones
Picture Book, Winter, and Animal Books
Sammie in de winter sidepic

Sammie in the winter
Author/Illustrator: Anita Bijsterbosch
Series: Sammie
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: ?
Published: December 2019
Publisher: Clavis Publishing
EAN: 9781605374178
Price: € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 2  - 5 years

Sammie in de winter sidepicll

Sammie by Anita Bijsterbosch has been on snazzie before. There are the four Sammie books about the seasons and then there is Sammie is going camping. Sammie in winter is not new, but the littlest monsters here love Sammie!

In the winter, Sammie goes to play in the snow outside and he takes his soft toy Job along with him, as always. They go ice skating, throw snowballs and they make a beautiful snowman together. A cozy book about winter fun to read to toddlers and who doesn't love Sammie?

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Sammie in de winter 02
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These picture books have cheerful colours and sturdy pages. Extra fun are big flaps, behind which you see a different picture. If you are looking for a gift for a toddler or preschooler, then the Sammie books are a good choice!

3 radiant warm winter stars for Sammie in the winter, from the little monsters and the out-loud readers!