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Schaatsbaan Rotterdam

Always our favorite outing
Info, Vacation and Weekend Trips, Winter, and Christmas
Schaatsbaan rotterdam sidepic

Schaatsbaan Rotterdam
Toepad 95
3063 NJ Rotterdam

Telephone: 010 790 05 14
email: info@schaatsbaanrotterdam.nl

Opening Hours
Sunday to Thursday 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday & Saturday 9am - 11pm

Christmas Break starts this weekend so we tell our little monsters that IJsbaan Rotterdam opens up again. They are immediately extremely excited! The ice skates must be checked immediately, do they still fit?
Don't panic! You can rent ice skates and gliders while purchasing your tickets, as you should do both online. The skates still fit perfectly, we pack them right away because we want to get to the skating rink early. It is usually nice and quiet, although sometimes there are classes of schoolchildren. But there's plenty of room.
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Outside it's drizzling and cold, but that doesn't spoil the fun! We have on our thick sweaters and jackets and are ready for it. We leave the large (free!) parking lot and walk to the entrance. The queue there is nice and short, so we get in quickly.
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On the main track there is one lane for beginners and one for advanced ice skaters. Great, because that way you won't bother each other. But we take our little ones to the children's area, where there are fun seals to skate with, so you can practice really well!
Even the little monsters who no longer need that practice still are really eager to skate behind the seals. And we see the children from the school class - who are quite a bit older than our little monsters - also riding on or with the seals :))

Who cares, as long as you're having fun! And you certainly have fun at Schaatsbaan Rotterdam, so do we today and all the other skaters too!