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Science Centre Delft

really cool!
Info, Vacation and Weekend Trips, Christmas, informative and educational, and Science
Tu science centre homepage

Who? (T)echnology (U)niversity Delft

What? Science Centre Delft

Mijnbouwstraat 120
2628 RX  Delft
Telefoon: 015-2785200

Science centre delft sidepic

Close to Rotterdam is the beautiful town of Delft located. It's lovely to stroll along canals with cute shops in the summer. You can also sit in the sun on one of the many terraces in this student city.

In winter you can visit Museum Het Prinsenhof to see the bullet holes in the wall, from shots that killed William of Orange. You can also visit his beautiful tomb, in the Nieuwe Kerk. There is much to see and do in Delft. But maybe you already know that.

But do you also know that Delft University of Technology (the TU) opened its own Science Centre September 2010? It is so much fun! Not only can you see what cool scientific experiments the TU students are occupied with, there are also all kinds of experiments you can participate in.

For example, you can design your own plane wing. Do you just want to watch or do you like to join in? Both is possible here! For every child (or adult) who wants to know more about science and technology in general and how we can make use of it in our daily lives, this is a great experience!

What to think of the Simona Flight Simulator? This simulator is a copy of the real simulator used by TU Delft students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. So cool and you can take a spin, if you dare. We have been multiple times and had so much fun here!

3 magnificent radiant stars for TU Science Centre Delf, from all the snazzie-mini-monsters!