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a delicious Turkish bagel
Baking buns and rolls, Turkish, and Eid-al-Fitr
Simit sidepic

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675 plain flour
2 sachet dried yeast
425 ml lukewarm water
45 ml vegetable oil
2 teaspoons sea salt
60 ml water
60 ml Pekmez (or molasse)
sesame seeds

Simit sidepicll

Today we bake Simit, delicious Turkish bagels with sesame seeds. In Turkey these bagels are eaten for breakfast, in combination with tomatoes, cucumber, black olives and a glass of Çhay (Turkish black tea). There you can buy these popular sandwiches everywhere on the street, at a cart or from a vendor who carries the bagels on his head. :)

We bake the Turkish Bagels because on June 15 Sugar Festival starts and you will love to eat these delicious breads after the fasting of lately!

How to make Simit

Simit 01
Simit 02
Simit 03
Simit 04

Warm the 425 ml water until it is lukewarm.

Make a well in the flour, add yeast + 225ml lukewarm water.

Add the oil and the salt, stir all until combined.

Turn on the mixer, slowly add the remaining lukewarm water.

Simit 05
Simit 06
Simit 07

Knead the dough firmly by hand until it feels supple and smooth.

Grease a clean bowl lightly, put in the dough, cover with cling film.

Allow the dough to rise for one hour, at room temperature.

Simit 08
Simit 09
Simit 10
Simit 11

Knead the dough, cut in 6 even pieces, weigh if necessary.

Roll each piece of dough into a long snake then fold it in half.

Turn both ends of the snakes in opposite directions.

Bend the rolls into a circle then press the ends neatly together.

Simit 12
Simit 13
Simit 14

Combine the Pekmez with 60ml water.

Dip in the dough circles.

Place on waxed paper on a baking try.

Sprinkle the Simit with sesame seeds then allow the simit to rise another hour

Preheat the oven to 220°C

Simit 15
Simit home

Bake the Simit in 20 - 25 minutes golden brown.

Allow the Simit to cool on a wire rack.

Eat the Simit with tomato, cucumber and black olives or with jam and tea ;) Tomorrow we make a spicy humus, also not a bad combination with a Simit bagel.

Eid Mubarak to all!