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Orange pie

so good!
Winter, With fresh fruit, and Cakes
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Shopping list
packet of puff pastry
3 oranges, juice and rind (zest)
8 free-range eggs
6 oranges
200g butter
200g sugar
3 oranges
30 grams demerara sugar

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From our recipes Madelief chooses to bake the orange pie today. She can easily (almost) make it alone because she uses ready made puff pastry.

That's how you start: with baking the pastry bottom in a round cake tin of 25 cm diameter. Defrost 5 puff pastry sheets and preheat the oven to 180°C.

TIP! Always scour the skin of citrus fruit with hot water to remove dye, wax or pesticides, before you start grating.

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Line the cake tin with dough and prick holes in the bottom.

Grate the skin of an orange then cut it in halves.

Squeeze out the halves plus two oranges.

Weigh the sugar already, so it's at hand.

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Break two free range eggs in a bowl.

Separate 6 yolks from the whites and add them to the two eggs.

Pour the sugar into a big bowl and add the orange zest.

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Add the orange juice.

also the eggs and the egg yolks.

Mix it until it's combined.

Add the butter in cubes.

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Transfer the mix to a heatproof bowl and let it thicken au bain marie for 20 minutes.

Pour the thickend filling into the pie crust, careful! HOT!

Cover the filling (not the pie) with cling film to prevent the forming of a skin.

Let the pie cool for a little while.

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Peel 2-3 oranges and slice them thin.

Place the slices on the pie en sprinkle with demerara.

Place the pie under a hot grill and let de sugar caramelize.

Let the pie cool further and the filling stiffen for a bit.

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The pie turned out really well, Madelief is happy.

The pie looks lucious! Now quickly brew a cuppa and find a big knife.