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De heerlijkste 5 december

in 574 years
Dutch language, Picture Book, and Sinterklaas
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De heerlijkste 5 december in 574 jaar
Author: Annie M. G. Schmidt
Illustrator: Fiep Westendorp
Original language: Dutch
Translated: not
Published: 1960 / reprinted 2020
Publisher: Querido B.V.
ISBN: 90 0140 451 8
Available:  only 2nd hand
Price: € 11.99 (Dutch Audio Book)
Age: 3 - 7 years

De heerlijkste 5 december sidepic

The most wonderful December 5 book in oh so many years is of course written by Annie M.G. schmidt. The unique drawings are by (who could it be otherwise?) Fiep Westendorp, Both ladies remain eternally undiminished brilliant of course!

This is measurable in the global sales of their books after so many years, great-grandmothers loved them and now their great-grandchildren do too! Now that the book has finally been reprinted, it is once again accessible for everyone.

De heerlijkste 5 december 01
De heerlijkste 5 december 02
De heerlijkste 5 december 03

If Sinterklaas and Piet are on the steamer on its way to the Netherlands, the ship sinks in a storm. How can there be Sinterklaas festivities now in the Netherlands? Will the Sint's Birthday still be celebrated on December 5th? Where are Sint & Piet? And are there any presents washed up the shore?

All questions that Annie M.G. answered in her own way, with a lot of humor and down to earth, like we are used to with her.

3 eternally radiant stars for De heerlijkste 5 december in 574 jaar, from all the readers and their little listeners!