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Sinterklaas Kapoentje

A nostalgic Sinterklaas Book from the 50's
Dutch language, Picture Book, Sinterklaas, Waldorf Books, and Celebrations around the World
Sinterklaas kapoentje homepage

Author: Freddie Langeler - S. Franke
Illustrator: Freddie Langeler
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: 1979
Publisher: Kluitman Alkmaar
ISBN: 9789020685091
Price: € 12.50 (second hand, HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

Sinterklaas kapoentje sidepicll

Long ago, when Piet's appearance was not a problem because we didn't know any better, Freddie Langeler made Sinterklaas-Kapoentje. We think it is one of the most beautiful Sinterklaas picture books ever. The drawings have something very special.

They have so much atmosphere and expressiveness that it is a great pity that she is no longer here to adapt her artwork to our times. But if she still could maybe then her pictures would loose some strenght and not be so special anymore ...

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We don't have the heart to throw this gorgeous book away, but we no longer read it to the little monsters. Although it is a piece of Dutch history (that we may not be proud of,) it seems too confusing for the little ones. They now grow up with Roetveeg-Pieten in all the colours of the rainbow and that's how it should be!

3 radiant stars for Sinterklaas-kapoentje, from the adult readers!