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Sinterklaas mousse sidepic

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100g speculaasjes
2 tangerines
2 sheets of gelatin
1 teaspoon gingerbread spices (optional)
double cream
3 tablespoons vanilla sugar
handful chocolate kruidnootjes

Sinterklaas mousse sidepicll

The day before Pakjesavond we start with this Sinterklaas dessert, Speculaas mousse, so that it can set overnight in the refrigerator. We leave the speculaas spices out because you can taste enough speculaas in the mousse anyway, but adding it is an option. With the chocolate kruidnootjes on the side the mousse is received very warmly by the mini monsters and rightly so!

How to make Speculaas Mousse

The preparations

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Soak the gelatin sheets for 5 minutes in cold water.

Peel, part and properly clean the tangarines.

Crumble the speculaas biscuits using a rolling pin.

Divide the 50 grams of crumbs over 4 glasses.

Put both aside and make the Speculaas Mousse

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Pour 250ml double cream into the mixer.

Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar.

Beat the cream until almost stiff.

While the cream is being whipped

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Squeeze the water out of the soft gelatin.

Dissolve it in 2 tablespoons of boiling water.

Add the gelatin to the cream then beat stiff.

Fold the remaining speculaas into the cream.

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Spoon a layer mousse then top it with tangerine.

Fill up the glasses with speculaas mousse.

Allow the mousse to set overnight.

Day 2

Pour the remaining 150ml cream into the mixer

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Add 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar to the cream.

Beat the cream until stiff.

Spoon the whipped cream into a piping bag.

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Pipe rosettes of crean on top of the speculaas mousse.

Decorate the mousse with tangerine parts and kruidnootjes.

Happy Pakjesavond!