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Sinterklaas Rocky Road

we make it while we wait ...
American, Sinterklaas, and Candy
Rocky road sidepic

Shopping list
1 can of condensed milk
2 bars of white Tony's Chocolonely, chopped
handful of kruidnootjes
mini marshmellows
optional: 1 bar of milk or dark Tony's chocolate

Rocky road sidepicll
To shorten the waiting for Sinterklaas, we keep the excited mini-monsters busy with making candy: we make Rocky Road. With the kruidnootjes we give it a Sinterklaas touch. It works very well!
How to make Sinterklaas Rocky road
because condensed milk quickly burns we heat it au bain marie but you can also use the microwave.
Rocky road 01
Rocky road 02
Rocky road 03
Rocky road 05

Take a baking tin of 20x20 cm.

Cover it in waxed paper.

Heat the milk au bain marie.

Add the pieces of white chocolate.

Rocky road 06
Rocky road 07
Rocky road 07

Stir until the chocolate has melted.

Stir in the marshmellows and kruidnoten.

Pour the mixture into the mold.

Rocky road 08
Rocky road 09
Rocky road 10
Rocky road 11

Press in some more kruidnoten then let it set in the fridge.

Melt the milk- or dark chocolate au bain marie.

Turn the rocky road then pour the melted chocolate over it.

Smoothen the chocolate using a spatula.

Rocky road 12
Rocky road home

Allow the chocolate to set in the refrigerator.

Cut the Rocky Road into small cubes.

Have fun tonight!