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Snazzie's Shopping Tips

for Spring!
Info and Spring
Lente shopping tips sidepic

We bought

  • garden gloves € sold out
  • fruit growing set € 4.50
  • vegetable growing set € 4.50
  • garden tool set €9.00
  • plate € 5.00 and bowl € sold out
  • set snack boxes space € 4.25
  • ball € 9.00
  • wooden craft treasure box € 4.00
Lente shopping tips sidepicll

Spring has just started and already the weather is warm and beautiful! We are at the Hema store, because we have seen that they have a lot of nice garden stuff. For self-sowing and for working in the garden. Really the favorite things of the mini-monsters, they love to work in the garden!

Here you can see what we found in the nearest Hema store

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New gardening gloves, yes! Those go in the basket, because the old ones have become too small. Boxes with tasty fruit and vegetables to sow yourself, super fun! But not organic and that is a pity for the maxi monsters.

The mini monsters only see the attractive, brightly colored packaging, the kids are immediately sold on those. A compromise is coming, 1 of the two then. It will be melon and strawberries. The scoop etc. is also allowed, the colors are nice and ours are already old. Now to the checkout!

Not yet, because we pass the tableware department, favorite with the maxi monsters!

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Pretty china plates and bowls with a space motif, snack boxes also with a space motif, we can never have enough of and a tiny flat dish with a cute lemon on it, probably useless but cute, so those will go with us too.

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After the hard work in the garden, the mini-monsters usually also want to play for a while, so we buy another ball. We take the nice little treasure chests made of wood, which you can paint and decorate yourself, for when it rains.

This was a productive shopping trip, if we do say so ourselves, we always find fun stuff at the Hema :))