Today on snazzie our Valentine's books top 3
Although these are three very different books, they are all about love and that is what we like to read, with Valentine's Day coming up. The order is random, actually it's a bit like comparing apples and oranges, it just what you prefer.
The sun is also a star
Author: Nicola Yoon
Original language: English
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Random House Children's Publ.
EAN: 9780552574242
Price: € 8.89 (paperback)
Age: 12 - 18 years
De Dagen van de Bluegrassliefde
Author: Edward van de Vendel
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: sadly not
Published: February 2015
Publishers: Singel Uitgeverijen
EAN: 9789045117331
Price: € 16.99 (paperback)
Age: 15 - 18 years
It only happens in the movies
Author: Holly Bourne
Original language: English
Translated: not
Released: October 2017 - Usborne Publ.
EAN: 9781474921329 / 9781474942867
Price: €8.79 (paperback) €1.99 (ebook)
Age: 12 - 18 years
Tycho is eighteen. At summer camp he becomes friends with Oliver from Norway, he has the same age as Tycho and is a football player. It's going to be a hot summer, that changes their lives forever.
This is the greatest love story ever! It doesn't have kisses in the snow or a desperate race to airports. But pain, confusion, hope and wonder and a ban on cheasy clichés. Oh! and zombies ...
These three books are equally enjoyable to read, although they are very different. You don't put them down easily, once you have started. Is always a good sign so keep reading!
3 times 3 royal stars for the three books above, from the maxi monsters!