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Spanish Magdalenas

a delicious breakfast muffin
Breakfast, Spanish, and Muffins
Magdalenas sidepic

Shopping list
3 medium organic eggs, room temp.
110g caster sugar
180g Zeeland or plain flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
pinch of salt
60 ml whole milk
120ml olive oil
1 lemon, grated
1 tablespoon caster sugar

Magdalenas homepage

Throughout this month we have been revealing the kitchen secrets of Sinterklaas and his Pieten. By now you know the favorite evening meal of Saint Nicholas and also his most delicious dessert. You also know what the favorite tapas of the Pieten are. Those are eaten in the afternoon, before they start practicing on the roofs. When they relax for a while in the sunshine, together on a cozy terrace.

This last weekend of November we will make two Spanish breakfasts with you, that Sinterklaas and his Pieten love the most. And no, not just Sint and the Pieten, thiese breakfasts are eaten all over Spain, by adults and children alike. But today's are also often ordered in the afternoon with a cup of coffee. What's that for breakfast, you want to know?  Spanish muffins! Magdalena's they are called and they're super delicious!

How to make Magdalena's

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Beat the eggs with the sugar until foamy.

Sieve the flour with baking powder and salt in a second bowl.

Stir it all together for a minute, until well combined.

Now you are going to combine the content of both bowls.

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Mix the flour mixture briefly into the egg mixture in 3 parts.

When all ingredients are well combined you add the milk.

At the same time add the vegetable oil and the lemon zest.

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Whisk it all quickly together, until you have an airy batter.

Cover the batter with cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Leave the batter to rest for 1 hour

Preheat the oven to 250°C

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Place the paper cups in the baking tin.

Fill them up to 2/3 with the batter.

Sprinkle some sugar on top.

Reduce the oven temperature to 200°C!

Bake the muffins for +/- 15 minutes, on the rack in the middle of the oven

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Allow the Spanish muffins to cool in the baking tin.

Sint and the Pieten like to eat the Magdalena's warm, with their coffee!
