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Speculaas Brownies

a December treat
Waldorf recipes, With chocolate, Sinterklaas, Pastry, Biscuits, and Celebrations around the World
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Shopping list for 16 Brownies
100g Speculoos
100g dark Tony’s chocolate
100g light brown sugar
2 free-range organic eggs
50g self-raising flour
8 Speculaas biscuits
1 heaped tablespoon Speculoos, for the topping

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These speculaas brownies are delicious on Pakjesavond and also quickly made. We'll start right away because you don't bake them completely dry, so they don't get stale very quickly. We eat them plain, with coffee, but we also make some whipped cream, then the mini-monsters also like the brownies very much ;))

How to make Speculaas Brownies

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Chop the chocolate into small pieces.

Put it in a fire proof bowl with the sugar and Speculoos.

Melt it all together, au bain marie.

Stir it all until combined when it has melted.

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Stir in 1 of the eggs.

Stir until fully incorporated.

Then stir in the 2nd egg.

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Stir in the flour in parts.

Stir until it is well combined.

Add the speculaas crumbs.

Fold in the speculaas crumbs.

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Melt the tablespoon Speculoos.

Place baking paper in the tin.

Spoon the brownie dough into the tin.

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Spread it using a spatula.

Get the melted Speculoos.

Drizzle it onto the dough.

Bake the brownie 20 - 25 minutes.

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Allow the brownie to cool completely, in the tin.

Cut the brownie into squares.

We also put truffle kruidnootjes on top of the Speculaas brownies, so good!