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The Clue Is in the Poo

and Other Stuff Too
Biology, Summer, Picture Book, Animal Books, and Science
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The Clue Is in the poo, and other stuff too
Author: Andy Seed
Illustrator: Claire Almon
Original language: English
Published: September 2018
Publishers: QEB Publishers
EAN: 9781682973714
Price: € 16.99 (HC)
Age:  8 years and up

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Our new non-fiction book for the mini-monsters is about animals and the traces they leave behind. It's called: The Clue Is In The Poo and Other Exciting Traces. The book is written by Andy Seed, a British childrens book author who, as he says himself, is an author/humorist who loves to write children's books. The book gives a lot of real information but in a fun way.

Andy Seed is a true children's friend, it's instantly clear that he understands them well. You get that immediately when you read the book to your mini-monsters. Our mini monsters really love the book and so do we! So much that they start looking for the stuff we need for our poo-quest before the book ends!

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The brilliant illustrations are by Claire Almon, an American illustrator from Atlanta. She is very special because she draws very detailed serious or funny animals, but also funny men and women figures. Both in pencil and digitally. Don't forget to take a look at her website, it is really worth your time!

3 mega-stars for The Clue Is In The Poo and other stuff too, from all the little listeners and the readers!