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Dutch shortbread

Our first May biscuit
Dutch and Biscuits
Sprits kransjes sidepic

Shopping list
100g butter
65g caster sugar
½ large or 1 small free-range organic egg
1teaspoon vanilla extract
125g plain flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
optional: jam, flavour to taste

Sprits kransjes home

Because we plan to bake only Dutch cookies throughout May, we are starting today with sprits (a Dutch shortbread). To be honest, when the cookies are done they taste more like zandkoekjes than sprits. We do not know the reason for this, but the mini monsters - which we may better call cookie monsters -  really like them. We'll try again later, but with a different recipe and we will keep you posted.

How to bake sprits (shortbread) wreaths

Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan) and place waxed paper on the baking tray

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Whisk the butter creamy.

Add the sugar to the butter.

Add the egg and the vanilla.

Add flour, baking powder, salt.

Knead all ingredients together into a cohesive dough

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Spoon the dough into a piping bag.

Pipe rosettes with a serrated tip.

Bake the biscuits in 15 minutes golden.

Allow the sprits wreaths to cool 5 - 10 minutes on the baking tray first

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Sprits kransjes sidepicll

Allow the wreaths to cool completely on a wire rack.

Drop a teaspoon of jam in the center of each wreath.

Tasty, with our tea!