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Pavement plants lll

we are looking again!
Info, Outdoor Play, Summer, Nature, and Learn while playing
Straatgras sidepic

We search for:

09. Red dead-nettle (lamium purpureum)

10. Ivy-leaved speedwell (veronica Hederifolia)

11. Common storks bill (erodium cicutarium)

12. Creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata)

13. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

12. Creeping woodsorrel
13. Dandelion

Witte dovenetel

It's August, we are on the road again and have found a lot of beautiful plants! Puk thinks the wall barley (Hordeum murinum) is very beautiful, he points out how big it can get. ;)) We also found the White Dead Nettle (Lamium Album), stunning! But unfortunately they are not in the Pavemant Plants book. Only the Red Dead Nettle, but that one we have not yet found.

First the two plants on the list, we did find

12. gehoornde klaverzuring
13. paardenbloem

12. Creeping woodsorrel - Oxalis corniculata

13. Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale

The following 5 plants are included in the book, but not in this search month

21. zachte ooievaars bek
25. gewone raket

21. Dove's foot-Crane's bill - Geranium molle

25. Hedge Mustard - Sisymbrium officinale

26. Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

38. grote brandnetel
40. gewoon biggenkruid
Onbekend 03
Onbekend 01

38. Common Nettle - Urtica dioica

49. Smooth hawksbeard - Crepis capillaris

-- Great Water Dock - Rumex hydrolapathum (not in the book)

-- Curly Dock - Rumex Crispus ??? (Not in the book)

The last two plants are not to be found in the Pavement plants book, but we still like them a lot. So we took their picture for you anyway. :))