This time we would like to find:
14. Wall speedwell (Veronica arvensis)
15. Thale Cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)
16. Sticky mouse ear (Cerastium glomeratum)
17. Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)
Found: Not one! :(
Today Puk and Varaan are joining us again in our search for pavement plants. Puk calls at every grass he sees between the tiles. At a lamppost we find beautiful high grass, it turns out to be called Wall barley - Hordeum Murinum. Monitor lizards are also very good at looking for grass! It's nice and fun, for the three of us!
Unfortunately we did not find any plants from today's list, but we did find others from the Pavement Plants Book
-- This grass is called Wall barley - Hordeum Murinum
51. - Broadleaf plantain - Plantago major
23. Ribwort plantain - Plantago lanceolata
03. Annual meadow grass and 05. Hairy bittercress?
12. Creeping woodsorrel - Oxalis corniculata
30. Wall lettuce - Mycelis muralis.
Too bad today we didn't find what we were looking for! But we did have fun, just being outside. Better luck next week!