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Pavement plants X

we're going out again!
Info, Outdoor Play, Winter, Nature, and Learn while playing
Zwarte nachtschade sidepicl

What are we looking for in March?
40. Cat's ear - Hypochaeris radicata
41. Buck's-horn plantain - Plantago coronopus
42. Black nightshade - Solanum nigrum
43. Petty spurge - Euphorbia peplus

Found: 40 and 41

< Not found: 42 en 43 >
pictures found: world wide web

Tuinwolfsmelk sidepicll
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find the sidewalk plants from our list, but we have found three again. Although we are a little early with number 44, it will actually come next month.
40. gewoon biggenkruid
41. hertshoorn weegbree
44. harig knopkruid

40. Cat's Ear - Hypochaeris radicata

41. Buck's-horn plantain - Plantago coronopus

44. Shaggy soldier - Galinsoga quadriradiata

More yellow, yet another little plant. Name? No idea! ;)

We think the fourth sidewalk plant in the photo above is very beautiful, but unfortunately we don't know the name. Still, it's nice that we found three.

Only two more months to go and our mission pavement plants will be over! ;))