What are we looking for in April?
44. Shaggy soldier - Galinsoga quadriradiata
45. Cleavers - Galium aparine
46. Field milk thistle- Sonchus arvensis
47. Red sand spurry - Spergularia rubra
48. Common nettle - Urtica dioica
Found: 44, 46, 48
Not found: 45 and 47
It's already April and our search is really nearing the end! Even though we didn't find all the plants, we had a really good time searching. This month too, because the sun is shining lovely again and that helps, the baby-snails are also cheerfully out and about. The mini-monsters have been very brave because on the cold days we went out anyway. You have to bundle up and muddle through! ;))
Below you can see our April treasures
44. Shaggy soldier - Galinsoga quadriradiata
46. Field milk thistle - Sonchus arvensis
This is not a Red Spurry, but it is beautiful and also pink!
48. Common nettle - Urtica dioica
Finally, two more unknown beauties, no idea what these plants are called but we think they are very beautiful, the mini-monsters especially like the pink one!
This is it for this month, but we'll be glad to see you in May, until then!