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Searching for pavemant plants ll

We're going on discovery again!
Info, Summer, Outdoor Play, Nature, informative and educational, and Learn while playing

Today we look for:

05. Hairy Bittercress (Cerastium semidecandrum)

06. Draba verna (Erophila verna)

07. Chickweed (Stellaria media)

08. Little Mouse Ear (Cerastium semidecandrum)

Found: only the Hairy Bittercress

Stoepplantjes sidepic

"Weeds are flowers too, when you get to know them better" says Winnie the Pooh and he's quite right about that!

We have been on the road again with our Stoepplantjesboek (Pavement Plants Book) and we have found some beautiful plants! Not all four which were scheduled for today, but you don't have to find them in order. There are two plants, 05. Hairy Bittercress and 13. Dandelion, that we found earlier already, so they don't count :)) One plant (Silverweed) that we recognize but that is not on our 52-week search list. Then a cute little yellow plant we also do not know. But still, we love them all so here they are!

05.kleine veldkers
Gehoornde klaverzuring
Stoepplantje onbekend
Zilverschoon   potentilla anserina

05. Hairy bittercress - Cardamine hirsuta

12. Creeping woodsorrel - Oxalis corniculata

Such a sweet little plant but what's it's name???

00. Silverweed - Potentilla anserina

29. kleine ooievaarsbek
49. klein streepkruid

13. Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale

29. Small flowered Crane's Bill - Geranium pussillum

49. Smooth Hawksbeard - Crepis Capillaris

50. schijfkamille matricaria discoideaa
Smalle weegbree

50. Pineappleweed - Matricaria discoidea

51. Flowering Plant - Plantago lanceolata (in bloom!)

The weather is really lovely and we've had a great time outside, so today was another fun day with the pavement plants! If we can't find everything on the list, we think that's a shame, but even without the right finds we have so much fun searching. We also have found all kinds of beautiful pavement plants that have not made it to the list. And - of course - we think it is the most important you enjoy what you do!

Do you also want to participate in this fun project of the Hortus Botanicus Leiden? Alone, with friends or with your class? Look here for more information

You don't have a book? No problem, here you can download all the sidewalk plants from the list, per month

See you next time!