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Beach Biscuits

because it's still summer
Summer, American, and Biscuits
Strand koekjes sidepic

Shopping list
125g flour
75g soft butter
75g caster sugar
½ free range organic egg (room temperature)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon baking powder
coloured fondant
some honey honey and demerara sugar
Glaze (for the surf)
3 tablespoons icing sugar
teaspoons water
3 drops lemon juice

Strand koekjes homepage

Such peace and quiet here this week, the little monsters are back in school! As nice as a little quiet is, we do miss the little rascals. They left home with mixed feelings last monday. No more sleeping in late but on the other hand, playing with your school friends every day. That's why we bake funny, sweet cookies for them, for in their free weekend.

How to beake beach biscuits

Print the recipe and make our usual basic vanilla biscuits, after the rest in the fridge we pick up the recipe

Preheat the oven to 175°C

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Knead the dough briefly by hand.

Roll out the dough to 1 cm thickness, cut out hearts.

Bake the biscuits until lightly browned, in 10-12 minutes.

Allow the biscuits to cool completely on a wire rack.

While the biscuits are cooling you make the glaze and decorations

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Knead the icing and cut out half hearts.

Give the hearts a wavy edge, using a knife.

Stick the hearts on the biscuits.

Ssift the icing sugar, stir in teaspoons of water and 3 drops of lemon juice, until you have a thick, fluid glaze, set aside

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Brush honey on the points, very thinly.

Sprinkle the honey with sugar.

Pipe the surf in the middle.

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Strand koekjes sidepicll

Cut slippers and straps out of coloured fondant.

Press the slippers into the 'sand'.

We hope you all had a happy first week back in school!