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Surinam Peanut Sauce

spicy or not, homemade tastes best!
Summer, With fresh vegetables, and Sauces
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2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
½ - 1 Madame Jeanette pepper
2 teaspoons ginger root, grated
1 teaspoon tomato paste
half a jar Faja Lobi peanut butter
100 ml milk (or water)
1 tablespoon vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon galangal
salt, to taste

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This Surinamese peanut sauce is a nice extra to go with the summer skewers, but this version with the Madame Jeanette pepper is spicy! For the mini-monsters we make the sauce without peppers, so we can all eat together.

How to make Surinamese peanut sauce yourself

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Crush the garlic and chop the pepper finely.

Peel the fresh ginger root and grate it finely.

Fry garlic, pepper and ginger in the oil until soft.

Add the tomato puree the mixture and stir it in.

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Stir in the peanut butter.

Add the milk and stir it in.

Keep stirring while the sauce thickens.

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Stir in vinegar, soy sauce and galangal and a pinch of salt..

Serve the Surinamase peanut sauce with pork or chicken.
