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For a chocolate addict

handmade bonbons of plaster
Cutting & Pasting, Paper & Cardboard, Painting, Plaster of paris, Sinterklaas, and Sinterklaas surprise
Surprise bonbons side

What do you need?
empty chocolate box
box of Ferrero Rocher
plaster of paris
a chocolate mold
brown and white paint
a paintbrush
decorations for cakes (store bought)

Self made chocolate box
1 sheet of photo paper gold

This Sinterklaas surprise a box - with a double bottom - of chocolates is not difficult to make but it scores maximum points. A die-hard hobbyist can create their own FIMO decorations for the chocolates, we used store  bought sugar decorations instead. You can make a bonbon box out of gold cardboard with our template or use a real chocolates box.

How to make the box of chocolates surprise

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Surprise bonbons 01
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Make gypsum following the instructions as shown on the pack.

Keep the mold at hand, gypsum dries very fast.

Pour the gypsum into the chocolate mold and strike it smooth on top.

Tap gently on the counter with the mold to remove tiny air bubbles who appear in gypsum.

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Smoothen the gypsum on the top and let it dry overnight.

The next day you push the 'chocolates' out of the mold.

Scrape a knife along the rough edges to smoothen them.

Paint 1/3 of the bonbons brown, 1/3 white and leave 1/3 bare.

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Wrap one third of the bonbons in Ferrero Rocher paper.

Glue the wrapped bonbons into paper chocolate cases.

Scatter sprinkles on the wet paint in the wreaths, leave the balls unpainted.

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Glue sugar decorations onto the last bonbons.

Glue the remaining bonbons in paper cases too.

Stick the gypsum bonbons in a used chocolate box.

Print the download, cut the template out and trace it on gold coloured cardboard. Cut the cardboard box out and glue it together.

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In the picture you see the bonbons on a tray. Make the tray by folding a piece of cardboard on two sides.

Keep a cute gypsum bonbon aside to stick on top of the box. Finaly you tie a ribbon around the box. Ready!