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Popular Japanese Street food
With chocolate, With fresh fruit, Pan Cakes, and Snacks
Taiyaki sidepic

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150g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 free range organic egg, L
180 ml whole milk
3 tablespoons caster sugar
5 tablespoons red bean paste (optional)
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
5 tablespoons Nutella
1 banana, thinly sliced

Taiyaki homepage

With all the books we read this month about the sea and fish, it seemed like fun to make Taiyaki fish. These fishes are a very popular street food in Japan. And today it is back-to-school-after-Spring-break today, that's two good reasons! You do need a special Tayaki maker, but that will probably be used often, once you tasted it ;) T

raditionally, Taiyaki are filled with red bean paste, but with Nutella they are also delicious. Start early because the batter needs to rest for at least an hour in the fridge, by then it should have the thickness of pancake batter.

How to make Taiyaki fish

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Taiyaki 04

Measure and weigh the ingredients.

Sift the flour and baking powder.

Add the sugar to the flour.

Stir it together until combined.

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Put the egg and milk in a bowl.

Mix until well combined.

Add the wet to the dry ingredients.

Whisk it all together until well combined

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Pour the batter into a jug.

Cover it with cling film.*

Get your tayaki maker handy.

Brush the Tayaki maker with oil.

* Put the jug with batter in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, so that it can rest

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Fill the mould 1/3 with batter.

Then Nutella and banana.

Top with batter, close the tin.

Flip the mold immediately!

  • Turn the heat medium high and fry the Taiyaki +/- 2 minutes per side
  • Check whether the fish are golden brown and bake them for half a minute longer, if necessary
Taiyaki 16
Taiyaki 17

Eat the Tayaki fish nice and warm, the mini-monsters are already waiting, in a safe distance from the tea pot :))
