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Home made Tomato Ketchup

a recipe by Jamie Oliver
Basic recipe, British, Side Dishes, With fresh vegetables, and Sauces
Jamies tomatenketchup sidepic
Shopping list
1 large red onion
1 celery stalk
a piece of ginger, 5cm
½ red chili, deseeded
2 cloves of garlic
a splash of olive oil
handful of basil
2 cloves
1000 grams of tomatoes
200 ml of red wine vinegar
70g light brown caster sugar
Jamies tomatenketchup sidepicll
A recipe that we've wanted to try for a long time but we did not yet make is Jamie Oliver's homemade tomato ketchup, nice and fresh with lots of veg. Today we are finally getting started. The recipe is not difficult but it does take time. More than Jamie let us know, we could almost finish a book ;)) but that's not a problem for us.

NB We replace the ½ chili pepper with a whole bell pepper and completely omit the half fennel bulb and the tablespoon of coriander seeds. We have no fans for the last two ingredients here and the chili is too hot for our little ones but feel free to go ahead and add them. Do mind: you need a sterilized half liter bottle and funnel!

Here is how we made Jamie's ketchup
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Wash the vegetables.

Cut the veg and grate the ginger.

Put the olive oil and veg in the pan.

Chrush the garlic and add it.

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Add pepper, salt and cloves to it.

Put the pan 10 - 15 minutes on low heat.

Stir it now and then.

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Until the vegetables are softened.

Cut the tomatoes and add them.

Add 350 ml cold water.

Bring it to a boil.

Let the sauce gently simmer until the volume has reduced by half. This takes Jamie give or take an hour but we needed almost three :)

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Put the saus in the blender.

Add the basil leaves.

Blend the sauce until smooth.

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Push the sauce through a sieve.

Sieve it once more.

Add the sugar and vinegar.

Allow the sauce to thicken again.

Not too long but just until it has the right ketchup consistency for you, then taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.

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Let the tomato ketchup cool slightly.

Pour the ketschup in a sterilized bottle.

Delicious with a grilled cheese.

Jamie advises us to enjoy the tomato ketchup with steak and chips, great, but we make burgers tomorrow!