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Tiramisu with white chocolate

and raspberries, from Belgium
With chocolate, Italian, Desserts, and With fresh fruit
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100g white chocolate
a dash of double cream
3 free range egg yolks
3 free range egg whites
100g caster sugar
a dash of raspberry syrup
500g mascarpone
200ml raspberry syrup
optional: a dash of Kirsch
300g boudoir biscuits
300g raspberries
50g white chocolate
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A Belgian chef also makes tiramisu sometimes :) This one is made with white chocolate and raspberries. The recipe is from the Flemish Jeroen Meus, from the Dagelijkse Kost (Daily Food )program. It is easy to make, quickly finished (with the exception of setting) and very tasty. So start a day early for the best result!


How to make Tiramisu with white chocolate and raspberries

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Melt the chocolate with the cream au bain marie.

Cut the raspberries in half, save some to garnish.

Beat the egg-yolks with the sugar and the dash of syrup.

Beat it into a pale, light mixture (a ruban).

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Add the melted chocolate to the ruban.

Beat the chocolate into the mixture.

Stir the mascarpone loose, fold into the mixture.

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Mix the egg whites until stiff.

Fold it into the mousse.

Make sure the mousse stays airy.

Dip the biscuits in the syrup.

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Place raspberries on top then top those with mousse.

Make another layer like this.

Grate generously white chocolate on top.

Cover the dish in cling film then place the tiramisu overnight in the fridge to set.

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Decorate the tiramisu with some raspberries, cut it in cubes.

The Tiramisu tastes yuuummie!