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Pear & Fudge Muffins

taste the best in Autumn
Autumn, With fresh fruit, and Muffins
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300g self-raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
pinch sea salt
85g light brown caster sugar
250 ml of milk
2 free-range organic eggs
2 ripe pears
100g soft fudge

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A BBC Good Food - recipe that we immediately liked a lot are pear & fudge muffins. The Doyenne de Comice pears are in season and in combination with soft fudge it seemed like a delicious Autumn recipe! We started in good spirits but the result was very disappointing. The muffins taste good, but the recipe contains a mistake that we had doubts about in advance. You can read the modified version in our PDF recipe, so please mind!

How to make pear & fudge muffins

The preparation:
Place 12 paper cases in a muffin tin

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Melt the butter then allow it to cool.

Peel the pears and cut into cubes.

Cut the soft fudge into cubes too.

How to make the muffin batter

Preheat the oven to 200°C / fan oven 180°C

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Sieve flour with baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a big bowl.

Add the sugar to mixture in the bowl and stir lightly.

Do not stir the mixture really together but leave it.

Mix in a large jug milk, eggs and butter.

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Pour it all into the dry mix in one go.

Add all the pear and 1/3 of the fudge cubes.

Fold in the batter very briefly.*

Bake the muffins in 25 - 30 minutes golden.

* Fold in until the batter just starts to mix, it should be lumpy with flour streaks, then spoon it into the cases, do not sprinkle with fudge cubes!

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Then your muffins leave the oven like this!

Therefore we pressed extra fudge cubes into the holes.

Baking tips

  • We think that maybe because of the heavy pear and fudge cubes the batter has somewhat difficulty rising
  • because the muffins do not rise as much as usual you may want to scoop the molds a bit fuller than you would usually do
  • Do not sprinkle the remaining fudge cubes on the muffins before baking, they will melt in the oven and leave ugly holes
  • If you sprinkle the fudge cubes on the slightly cooled muffins, they will become nice and soft and the muffins will look much better!

Our muffins look weird but taste sort of okay, they do have proportionally too much fudge so it becomes predominant, that's a shame!

We do hope yours wiil turn out much better this way, we wish you every success!