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We bakken zwaarden sidepic

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75g soft butter
75g caster sugar
1/2 free-range organic egg (small)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
125g (Zeeland) flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, for sprinkling
gray fondant icing (or knead white and black)
brown icing fondant

cookie cutter sword

We bakken zwaarden sidepicll

Tomorrow it is Michaelmas and we have been reading all week about fighting dragons. Of course you need a sword for that and we bake those swords ourselves. Delicious vanilla cookies with rolled fondant (the monster's favorite decoration) on top. Nice!

How make these sword biscuits

Download the recipe and make the dough, put it in the refrigerator for an hour

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Remove the dough from the fridge.

Knead it briefly.

Roll it to 1 cm thickness.

Cut out swords.

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Place the biscuits on a baking tray covered in waxed paper.

Place the biscuits 30 mins. in the fridge, to prevent running out.

Preheat the oven to 175°C

Bake the cookies for 8 - 10 minutes until light golden brown, but watch carefully! Baking goes quickly!
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Let the biscuits cool on the tray.

Roll out the icing thinly.

Cut the swords out of gray icing.

Stick the icing on the biscuits with a drop of water.
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Cut the handle out of brown icing and stick it on too.

We have baked so many biscuits, we have a tasting already!

Have a wonderful Michaelmas tomorrow!