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Vacation activities in and around Rotterdam

this summer vacation
Info and Vacation and Weekend Trips
Because we had a few boring months at home at the beginning of the year, we would like to go out again during the summer holidays. But it is busy everywhere and the virus has not yet been defeated! So we still stick to the rules, keeping our distance and washing our hands often. Outside the risk is smallest therefore, this year only outdoor activities on snazzie.

Not bad at all because what ismore fun than going outside in the summer? In Rotterdam we have the youth holiday passport with many fun activities and a number of our tips you will also find in the passport. Great, to do so many fun things with a discount!

Read our old acquaintances and new recommendations here!
Now that Blijdorp Zoo is open again, we will also reserve tickets here, we have missed the animals!
We all know Plaswijck Park in Rotterdam, but make reservations first, everyone wants to go during the Summer vacation!

It will not be as quiet as in the video, but Recreatieoord Binnenmaas is large and it has also a nice outdoor pool!

Finally, 2 different companies which are a lot of fun for kids and parents alike: the first is a picking garden in the Westland where you can pick fruit yourself, the second is a farm in Zoeterwoude where there is much to do!

Plukkerij Framblij in Monster is a lot of fun for young and older and you can take your hand-picked fruit home with you!
Organic farm 't Geertje is located in Zoeterwoude, there are all kinds of farm animals to cuddle and there is a cheese dairy.

Snazzie wishes you a lovely vacation with lots of sunshine!