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Van kop tot staart

before the sleepover in Blijdorp Zoo
Biology, Reading Book, and Animal Books
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Van kop tot staart (From Head To Tail)
Author: Hans Post
Illustrator: Ingrid & Dieter Schubert
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
Published: June 2002
ISBN: 9789056374099
Price: € 24.95
Age: 7 - 100 years

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Van Kop tot Staart (From Head to Tail ) is written by Hans Post. After working for twenty years at Blijdorp Zoo - including Head of the Educational Department - who better to write a book about animals than he? The book begins with an introduction by the author himself about animal life on earth and what it means. In the back of the book you find a glossary is included. Which is very useful for the reader, with so much information about so many different animals.

Van kop tot staartis a great source of information for inquisitive children who love animals, actually for all children. It is an educational book which is also filled with fun facts. You can find all the familiar Zoo animals in the book but also some very strange ones, like the poisonous Stone Fish for example.

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The beautifully detailed illustrations in this book are made by Ingrid and Dieter Schubert. Their pictures add an extra dimension to the book and make it a pleasure to browse through it. The animals are lifelike and very naturally drawn, in beautifully soft pencil colours. They vary from the smallest beetle to the largest whale and everything in between. A wonderful book!

3 radiant shining stars for Van kop tot staart (From Head to Tail), from the young and the older readers!