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Van Lente tot Winter

A Little Golden Book by Fiep Westendorp!
Spring, Dutch language, Picture Book, Funny, and Poetry and rhymes
Van lente tot winter homepage

Van Lente tot Winter
(From Spring to Winter)
Authors: Hans van der Voort
Illustrator: Fiep Westendorp
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: March 2011
Publisher: Rubinstein Publishing B.V.
EAN: 9789047610502
Price: €7.99 (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

Van lente tot winter sidepicll

Fiep Westendorp's work is known and loved worldwide. As a Dutch person you cannot help being proud of our Dutch writers, poets and illustrators. If your work is so well known everywhere, you are doing something right, especially if you come from a country the size of a postage stamp on the world map.

Today we read a Little Golden Book that is about the four seasons. We start with spring, when children can play outside in the first warm sunshine. The accompanying fun verses are made by Hans van der Voort.

Van lente tot winter 01
Van lente tot winter 02
Van lente tot winter 03
Van lente tot winter 04
In summer we build sand castles on the beach, in Autumn we start to feed the birds and look for autumnal treasures. Winter is also filled with fun, especially when it snows or freezes,. Then we go sledding or ice skating on the pond and we build a snowman. We have fun all year round, you can see that very clearly in Fiep's books!
3 stars for From spring to winter, from our little listeners and their out-loud readers!