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Tonight we eat pizza

Main Courses, Italian, and Pizza
Pizza margherita sidepic
Shopping list
350g strong white flour
25g coarse semolina
a dash of sea salt
7g dried yeast
1 tablespoon of olive oil + extra for drizzling
275ml tepid water
1 can of cherry tomatoes, 400g
2 plump cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of tomato puree
sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
2 balls of mozzarella, drained and sliced
a handful of basil
Parmesan cheese and rocket
Pizza margherita sidepicll

Making fresh pizza at home is very tasty, it is not difficult at all and actually it's quickly done. Only the proving of the dough takes 3 times 10 minutes. The kids here are happy to help but start an hour before you want to eat, then you have plenty of time.


How to make a fresh pizza Margherita

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Stir flour, semolina, salt en yeast,  make a well in the middle.

Slowly pour in oil and water while you mix until combined.

The dough is sticky, rub some oil on your worksurface and hands.

Tip the dough from the bowl then knead it firmly by hand.

Lightly rub a clean bowl with oil, put in the dough, cover with cling film. Let the dough prove for 10 minutes then repeat the kneading two more times.

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Knead the risen dough quickly.

Sprinkle flour on your work surface.

Roll out the dough, lift it on the baking tray.

Let the dough rest while you make the tomato sauce

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Drain the tomatoes, place them in a bowl then crush them.

Stir in tomato puree, garlic, then season with salt & pepper.

Drizzle oil on the pizza then spread tomato sauce on top.

Top the sauce with mozzarella slices and torn basil leaves.

Preheat the oven to 220°C. Drizzle the pizza with a little olive oil and grind black pepper on top.

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Pizza margherita home

Bake the pizza in 12 - 15 minutes done.

Serve the pizza with extra Parmesan and the rocket salad.

With this basic pizza Margherita you can vary endlessly in toppings. For example try: fresh tomato; red onion; olives; mushrooms; pineapple; salami; pepperoni; chorizo; pancetta or anchovy. Enjoy!