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Today Children's Book Week starts!

Join in!
Dutch language, Picture Book, Reading Book, Funny, and Children's Book Week
Kinderboeken week 2018 sidepic

It's Children's Book Week 2018

When? from October 3 up to and including 14

Where? in all schools, libraries
and bookshops in the Netherlands

What's the theme? Friendship - Join us

Children's Book Week 2018 starts today and the theme couldn't have been more beautiful as far as we're concerned! What's more fun for kids than making friends with other kids? Nothing! Our mini monsters love to play together, share together, a saying they learned from their teacher :))) You can understand why their teacher can't go wrong with us!

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We listen to the Children for Children's Book Week song Come join-in-in-in (but in Dutch) and we read the Children's Book Week gift by Jozua Douglas and the picture book by Milja Praagman, the books are super fun again this year!

With every children's book you buy during this period you will receive the Children's Book Week gift for free. You can buy the picture book for a bargain price during the Children's Book Week.

We wish you a lot of fun during the Children's Book Week!