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Today begins Children's Book Week!

and this is Snazzie's choice
Picture Book, Autumn, Reading Book, History, and Children's Book Week
Kinderboeken week 2020 homepage

National Children's Book Week 2020

The children's Book Week Gift is:

The diamond of Banjarmasin (in Dutch)
by Arend van Dam
with illustrations by Anne Stalinski
Free when you spend € 12.50 on children's books.

It's National Children's Book Week and this year's theme is history. The Children's Book Week gift is called En toen? (And then?) and it was written by Arend van Dam. He has already made his mark in children's history books, he has written a lot of them. The illustrations in the Children's Book Week gift are by Anne Stalinski, cartoonist, Read Anne's blog here.

In book stores, theaters and libraries - spread throughout the Netherlands - you can participate in all kinds of super fun activities. You can read all about it on the Childrens Book Week website!
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As every year, there will be a Children's Book Week Picture book for sale for a reasonable price. This year's picture book is called Tweeling! (Twins, but it's only available in Dutch) and it is created by Mylo Freeman you may already know her, from the Princess Arabella series, among others. September 30th the book will be available in bookstores for € 7.25.

Have fun in the Children's Book Week!