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Today we're going to Arnhem

to Burgers Zoo!
Info, Summer, Vacation and Weekend Trips, and informative and educational
Burgers zoo home

Burgers Zoo
Antoon van Hooffplein 1
6816 SH Arnhem

Telephone: 026 - 442 45 34
email: info@burgerszoo.nl

Burgers Zoo online
Opening Times
Tickets & Time Slot Bookings


Burgers zoo map

Burgers Zoo is a very unique Zoo, as Rotterdammers who grew up with Blijdorp Zoo, we really like to admit that. Conservation of nature is one of Burgers' main goals, protecting endangered species is a mission. Another goal is to gain knowledge about the natural behavior of animals in order to promote ecosystems through science.

The Zoo is affiliated with various organizations that are committed to animal protection and nature conservation and Burgers Zoo is committed to informing their millions of visitors and making them aware of the need for this. They collect money for all kinds of projects from their visitors which they donate to various projects.

The Eco-displays in Burgers Zoo have been recreated as naturally as possible. The large area of the park makes it possible to imitate the natural habitat of the animals that live there as much as possible. As a result, many animals can roam freely among the many beautiful plant and tree species that you see in Burgers Zoo.

Burgers entree 01
Entree 01
Entree 02
Bush 00

After arrival at Arnhem's Zoo, we first report to the cash register, to have our reservation checked and be admitted. Immediately after the entrance we pass the South-African penguins, they are so cute! But we've been here before and we know we can't see the whole area in just 1 day.

That is why we have already made a plan at home and asked Puk what he would like to see most in the big Zoo. Actually we already know, his top three (after the Asian Water Monitor (Rimba) and the Seecow (Sirenia) Mangrove) is: Reptiles, Fish (actually aquatic animals because the octopus and sea turtle are also part of it) and Insects.

So our plan for today is Bush, Mangrove, Ocean and hopefully Rimba. What we're letting go today is Safari; Park l (including monkeys, kangaroos and birds); Desert and Park ll (including predators, elephants and meerkats).

So walking by the cute penguins we first go to the Bush

Bush 01
Bush 02
Bush 03
Bush 04

We first take an overview photo from the rope bridge and then go into the jungle :)) It is quiet in the bush, you can hear water running and now and then you hear a bird's call. It smells like moist soil and stagnant water, it's hot and humid in the bush.

The bush is so lush, beautiful green, full of exotic plants and flowers. We also come across a waterfall! We scan the water and take a look in the overgrowth, all kinds of animals run free here.

Bush 04
Bush 05
Bush 07
Bush 08

Then we're in luck! There is a green lizard hidden between the leaves and Puk sees it first, he is delighted! A bit further we see another one, a light green lizard this time and he is not shy at all. Awesome!

Now we go on, to watch the Ocean

Ocean 01
Ocean 02
Ocean 03
Ocean 04

The aquariums in the Ocean section are really beautiful and that is high praise from us, because we are quite spoiled with Blijdorp's Oceanium. We see the Leopard Shark, a Blacktip Reef Shark and a Spotted Eagle ray, all awesome fish.

There also are all kinds of small Tropical fish such as the Doctor Fish, their colours are stunning and the Cardinalfish. The name of the fish in the last photo is Puffer Fish, although he is not puffed up because he does not feel threathend at this moment. But we all think even unpuffed the Puffer Fish is a very unusual and beautiful fish anyway.

We go on, to the Mangove


Mangrove 01
Mangrove 02
Mangrove 03
Mangrove 04

When you enter the Mangrove you will see the butterflies first. They have the most beautiful colours and they are big! You can take a good look at them because they sit quietly, they are probably used to an audience. Taking pictures is also no a problem at all here ;))

Mangrove 05
Mangrove 06
Mangrove 07

The vegetation in the Mangrove area is very different than in the Bush. There are also many shrubs and flowers here, but it is not so very humid and dense. There is a lot of water as well. In addition to the beautiful butterflies, you will also find different kinds of birds, fish, crabs and also the Seacow (Manatee), Puk's favorite.

Then we walk on at ease, to Rimba

Rimba 01
Rimba 02
Rimba 03
Burgers zoo

There is a lot to see in Rimba, but Puk knows exactly where he wants to go. There are all kinds of deer, snakes, crocodiles, Malayan bears and tigers to admire in Rimba, among others. Puk loves all animals, but he prefers to go to the Water monitor, with his cuddle Komodo Dragon under his arm.

The first cuddly toy he chose himself is his Komodo Dragon and they go on a family visit together. Komodo always goes with him wherever we go, even in the school bag every day! We also have a look at the monkeys and then we go find to the exit, it has been really great but it's also enough for today!

Safari 01
Burgers zoo shop

Of course we know that the Burgers Zoo Safari is a unique piece of zoo and for many people the highlight of their visit. But Puk is six years old and he prefers to see the smaller animals. The Safari can wait, you still have plenty of time when you're six.

What can't wait is having a look around in the beautiful shop at Burgers Zoo, so we do and then we go outside. To climb on the big animals at the exit for a moment and then we drive back, to Rotterdam ;))

It was a perfect day!