After we welcomed Saint Nicolas in Holland we ga back home, to make popcorn. Chocolate popcorn this time, with sprinkles, because today is such a festive day!
How to make chocolate popcorn
Weigh 40 grams of corn.
Pour 1 tablespoon oil into the pan.
When the oil heats up add the corn.
Place the lid on the pan.
Now the corn starts to 'pop', you hear the popping sounds and also the tapping on the lid from the jumping popcorn. That is why it's important to put the lid on the pan, otherwise the popcorn will jump around your ears. Toss the pocorn in the pan now and then, it will pop again for a while and if there is no moore sound the popcorn is ready.
Open the pan, de popcorn is ready.
Toss the popcorn into a bowl.
Melt the chocolate au bain marie.
Add 30 ml milk and stir.
Keep stirring now and then.
Fold the popcorn into the chocolate.
Scatter sprinkles over the chocolate.
Let the popcorn dry on waxed paper.
Place it in bowls when it is dried.
Very tasty with some hot chocolate!