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Today Sinterklaas arrives

in the Netherlands
Info, Drawing & Colouring, and Sinterklaas

Today is the day again, Saint Nicholas arrives in the Netherlands! Unfortunately, there are no children and parents present upon his arrival this year. Because Covid-19 is still a problem in Holland and the Saint age-wise certainly falls in the high-risk group, the place of his arrival is kept a big secret. But we do have the video of last year for you.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of traditional things that belong to the Sinterklaas festivities we can still celebrate as usual. Now that we are not on the quay, we are of course all together in front of the television, today at 12.00 h. Very curious what the arrival looks like, in this special year!

Kleurplaat sinterklaas 2020
This Rotterdam youtube video 2019 of course is very dear to us! Here is where we have stood for years, every year eagerly waiting for Saint Nicholas to arrive, as a child and now with our children. But also the Saint Nicolas Journal is broadcasted every day again, at 18.00 h. We will watch it all cozily on TV today, our gingernut-chocolate milk is already made.