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Homemade dried appels

are the best
Waldorf recipes, With fresh fruit, and Celebrations around the World
Vers gedroogde appeltjes sidepic

Shopping list
3 apples
fresh lemon juice

you also need
an apple core remover

oven temperature

Vers gedroogde appeltjes sidepicll

Today we make our own dried apples for the Palm Sunday stick. We have beautiful organic Elstar apples from Rechtstreex, sweet and juicy. Other than that, all you need is half a lemon and an apple corer. Oh yes and an oven of course!

How to make dried apples

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Wash the apples and drill out the cores.

Peel the apples thinly.

Juice half a lemon.

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Pour the juice into a bowl.

Cut the apples into thin slices.

Toss them in the lemon juice.

Place them on waxed paper on a tray.

The apple slices need to be 2.5 - 3 hours in the oven,  to dry out

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Dry the apples in 3 - 4 hours.

Turn every ½ hour, put them on fresh baking paper.

Turn the oven off and open the door a little.

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Wait until the apples are completely cooled, before taking them out of the oven.

You have made your own yummie apples, for the Palm Sunday stick!

Happy Palm Sunday!