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Gran's fresh tomato soup

Homemade tastes the best
Summer, With fresh vegetables, With fresh herbs, Gran's recipes, Minced meat, and Soups
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Shopping list
1 kg ripe tomatoes
1 medium onion
3 small carrots
2 spring onions
½ bunch celery or parsley
1 liter hot vegetable stock, 2 cubes
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons tomato paste
a generous pinch of sugar
sea salt and black pepper, to taste
250g minced meat
1 braid vermicell

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The mini monsters love to eat tomato soup, just like we did when we were kids. No tomato soup from a bag or can, but real tomato soup, from grandma. It's a bit more work, but grandma's has tasty meatballs in it and strings (vernicelli). The fresh vegetables go in automatically ;))

How to make fresh tomato soup

Start with the vegetables

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Peel and/or clean the vegetables.

Rinse the vegetables.

Peel and cut the tomatoes.

Cut the vegetables in equal parts.

Cut the vegetables into more or less equal sizes and finely chop the parsley
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Add the olive oil to a pan and place it on low heat.

When the oil is hot, add the carrots and both types of onion.

Fry the vegetables until soft and coloured in 10 minutes, on low heat.

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Meanwhile make the stock, with 2 cubes and 1 liter of boiling water.

Add the tomato puree to the veg and stir it in..

When the veggies are coloured red you fetch the tomatoes.

Add the tomatoes to the other vegetables in the pan.

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Stir sugar and pepper into the tomatoes.

Let the tomatoes cook for 10 minutes.

Cook until soft but stir occasionally.

While the tomatoes are softening, you roll small balls from the mince, mixed with some salt and pepper
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Slowly add the hot stock.

Add the parsley to the soup.

Add the little meat balls as well.

Finally you add vermicelli.

Bring the soup back to the boil and then turn the heat low

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Put the lid on the pan and let the soep simmer voor 25 minutes.

Serve the tomato soup with some fresh bread slices.

Taste the soup, is it well seasoned, red enough? Adjust it when needed and then ... enjoy!