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Midden in de winternacht

a miraculous Christmas story
Dutch language, Reading Book, Christmas, and Illustrated
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Es ist ein Elch entsprungen
Author: Andreas Steinhöfel
illustrator: Kerstin Meyer
Original language: German
Translated into English: not
Published: 2005
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
ISBN13: 9789056377380
Price: € 9.99 (HC - in Dutch)
Age: 7 - 10 years

In the middle of the winter night the movie, has been earlier discussed on snazzie, but the book not yet. The book is fun to read, it is a Christmas story written with imagination. No wonder, because it was written by Andreas Steinhöfel, one of Germany's best contemporary children's authors. But thruthfully ... we prefer the film.

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The book has many nice illustrations in full colour which fit the story perfectly. They are made by Kerstin Meyer, in The Netherlands she is not very well known but she has already illustrated many books in the German and the English language. We're sorry to say this book has not been translated in English. The snazzie readers young and older find this book a fun read during the Christmas Holidays.

2 radiant stars for Midden in de winternacht, from the little readers!