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Warm Bishops wine

nice for Sint & Piet, in this cold weather
Dutch, Drink, Sinterklaas, and With fresh fruit
Bishops wine ingredients

Shopping list
2 oranges
1 lemon
2 cinnamon sticks
star anise
1/2 l red wine

Bishops wine side

Outside it's cold and bleak but Sinterklaas and de Pieten must still go out on the rooftops. Who else delivers the presents in the children's shoes? Make tasty bichopswijn for them with the kids and warm it briefly before going to bed. Put it next to the shoe(s) and do not forget Amerigo. It will make Sint and Piet very happy!

How to make warm Bishop's Wine

Bishops wine 01
Bishops wine 02
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Pour the wine in a saucepan.

Add the spices to the wine.

Slice a lemon thinly.

Add the lemon to the wine.

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Slice the oranges as well and add them too.

Let the wine simmer for approximately 10 minutes.

Sieve the wine and divide it between two glasses.

Bishops wine side
Bishops wine home

Place cinnamon, star anise and orange slice in the glasses.

Some hay and an apple for Amerigo, we're ready for the Sint to come!

Happy Sinterklaas Evening!