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A kitchen gadget

handy to remove cherry kernels
Info, Cooking-and baking tips, Technique, and Jam / compote / jelly
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Noordplein 29
3035 EC Rotterdam
Telehone: 010-4431075
Email: info@kookpunt.nl

Website: http://www.kookpunt.nl

Kookpunt hotspots rotterdam

For an enthusiastic jam maker, a cherry de-stoner is an invention that deserves a prize. Now that our old one is lost after years of faithful service, I was looking for a new one. It soon turned out that the cherry de-stoner is a hard to find article.

In fact, our question was considered strange, many sales persons have never even heard of it. Then we have to search online!

Kersen ontpitter 01
Kersen ontpitter 02
Kersen ontpitter 03

At home going online, we soon came to Kookpunt. A little silly of us! Such a big specialty shop in our own town. No matter what the cookery question is, nobody bats an eyelid when asked. How could we forget that? We're happy with the new acquisition, it's already used and it's doing great!