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What can we harvest?

a lot!
Kitchen Garden, Info, Outdoor Play, Harvesting, Antroposophical, and Learn while playing
Cherry tomaatjes

What did we sow?
Cherry tomatoes eco
cherry tomatoes regular
strawberries (Sarian F1)
spring onions
various herbs
What  did we plant?
red currant; elder bush; blueberry; raspberry; olives

Cherry tomatoes 01

In a small city garden of app.   m2 you can grow a lot if you want to make a kitchen garden with the kids. Almost 25 years ago we planted an Elder and a red currant bush. Every year we bought strawberry and tomato plants but since last year we are sowing enthusiasticly. And it's funny but everyting grows and thrives.

Red currants 01
Red currants 03
Elder berries 01
Elder berries 02

Now the redcurrants appear on the bush and the birds know it too.

A little bit of patience until the berries turn red and you can eat them.

The Elder's umbels aren't attractive to birds.

But the ripe black elderberries are.

Raspberries 01
Raspberries 02
Strawberries 01

Here you see raspberries to be, we're curious because this the 1st year.

The raspberries with their fragrance don't lure birds but strawberries do.

Place a net over the fruit if you want to harvest otherwise the birds will eat it.

Blue berries 01
Blue berries 02
Olives 01
Olives 02

In the blueberry bush the forrunners of the blueberries appaer.

We hope it will look like this, we water it regularly.

Even the little olive tree is flourishing in a Dutch garden.

And the Dutch birds don't like olives, so you have them all to yourself ;)

Herbs 01
Tomatoes 08
Carrots 04

We have sowed chives, basil, flat parsley, celery and thyme.

In the big patch we grow tomatoes, where a lot of yellow flowers appear. They will turn into tomatoes.

We still have to wait a bit to harvest the carrots, until end of July.

Spring onion 06
Radijs 19

The spring onions will be ready to harvest at app. the same time as the carrots. We can't wait!

The radishes are ready now. Even though they don't look perfect like in the supermarket, they taste very good!

Super fun if your kitchen garden plants are doing good and the kids can pick and eat their own herbs, fruit& veg! Later on recipes for your homegrown fruit&veg on snazzie.nl