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We bake brownies

without flour
With chocolate, Summer, Pastry, and With whipped Cream
Brownies zonder meel sidepic

Shopping list
250g Tony's dark chocolate, chopped
200g butter, cubed, plus extra
225g caster sugar
3 free-range organic eggs
100g ground almonds

Optional to serve
whipped cream

Brownies zonder meel sidepicll

We are baking delicious brownies today, the out-loud readers' favorite pastry. After all that reading for a whole year, they deserve something delicious. The brownies are said to be without flour, but if you grind almonds you get almond flour. So that is not 100% correct, but that does not matter, these brownies  are very tasty!

How to make these brownies

You start with the preparation

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Chop 200g chocolate.

Cut the butter into cubes.

Melt together au bain marie.

Stir it occasionally.

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Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.

Grease a 20x20 cm baking tin.

Press waxed paper into the baking tin.

How to make the batter

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Place eggs and sugar in a bowl.

Beat it for 3 minutes.

Add the chocolate mixture.

Add the grated almonds too.

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Fold in the chocolate and the grated almonds.

Pour the chocolate batter into the baking tin.

Divide it evenly and push in the remaining 50g chocolate.

Bake the brownies in the middle of the oven for 25-30 minutes.

The brownies should now be cooked, but with a slight wobble in the middle

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Brownies zonder meel homepage

Allow the brownies to cool in the tin on a wire rack.

Lift the brownies from the tin and cut them into squares.

Serve the brownies (optional) with 250 grams of whipped cream, whipped with 2 tablespoons of caster sugar