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We bake brownies

for the weekend
With chocolate, British, American, Pastry, and High Tea
Brownies side

Shopping list
200 grams dark chocolate
150 grams unsalted butter
120 grams dark muscovado sugar
120 grams light muscovado sugar
4 free range organic eggs
85 grams flour
30 grams cacao
pinch of salt

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The best brownies are homemade, with lots of real chocolate, of course!

How to bake Brownies

To prepare

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Use a square 24 cm baking tin.

Put it on bakingpaper en cut the corners.

Ease the paper into the tin, flatten the corners.

Now start on the batter

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Chop the chocolate.

Melt it au bain marie.

Add the butter cubes.

Let it melt together.

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Take the bowl from the stove.

Stir de dark sugar in.

Sir in the light muscovade sugar.

Preheat the oven to 180°c

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Whisk the eggs into the mix.

Whisk till tiny airbubbles apear.

Sift the flour into a big bowl.

Stir in cacao and salt.

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Add the chocolate mix to the flour and stir it smooth.

Pour the chocolate batter into the baking tin.

Bake the brownie 20 - 25 minutes, it still has to wobble in the middle.

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Let the big brownie completely cool in the tin, lift it out on the bakingpaper and cut it in squares. Dust the brownies lightly with icing sugar.