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We bake numbers

with chocolate sauce
With chocolate, New Year's, Sauces, and Snacks
Jaartal croissants sidepic

Shopping list
1 can of croissants
Chocolate Sauce
100 - 150 grams Tony's Chocolonely
75 ml whipped cream
75 ml milk

Jaartal croissants home

Today - on New Year's Day - we make New Year Numbers for the mini-monsters. The unusually shaped croissants are great for breakfast, but they also taste very good with tea in the afternoon. If you want to give them as a snack, you can add a (homemade or purchased) tomato sauce to dip in, also delicious!

How to make these New Years Numbers

Preheat the oven to 175°C / 160°C Fan

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Jaartal croissants 02
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Roll out the dough and press it together (+/- 20x30cm), cut it into 4 and then into eight rectangles

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Cut each rectangle into 4 strips.

Fold the top to the left.

Fold the bottom to the right.

Shape your dough into a 2

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Make a ring out of strip 2.

Flatten into a zero.

Same way shape a three.

Press the numbers firmly together.

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Slide the numbers into the oven.

Bak in 10 - 12 minutes golden.

Allow the numbers to cool on the baking tray.

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Make the chocolate sauce: bring milk and cream to a boil and then stir in the chocolate. Let it cool slightly and dip away!